Outdoor advertising is the one we encounter most every day when we go out. The location of outdoor advertising is very eye-catching, the screen is large, and the colors are rich, which always attracts our attention. Different from other advertising, outdoor advertising has its own characteristics, which are embodied in the following aspects.
1. Large screen
Many print advertising media are for indoor or small-scale communication, and the format is small. Outdoor light box advertisements display advertising content in the form of door headers, bulletin (publicity) columns, and pole light box paintings. Larger than other print advertising illustrations and fonts, it is very eye-catching.
2. Strong farsightedness
The function of outdoor light box advertising is to convey information to people outdoors and long distances through two forms of natural light (daytime) and auxiliary light (night). The far-sighted effect of advertising works is strong, which is conducive to the fast-paced, high-efficiency, and hurried people of modern society to pay attention to them at a long distance.
3. Wide content
In public transportation, transportation, safety, welfare, savings, insurance, taxation, etc.; in commercial products, enterprises, tourism, services, etc.; in culture, education, art, etc., can be widely used in culture and education. Play a role.
4. Compatibility
There are various forms of display, with both text and color functions, including product trademarks, product names, physical photos, colors, corporate intentions, culture, economy, customs, beliefs, and concepts. Through conception and unique creativity, we firmly grasp the "loop" of inducing consumers' desire to buy, and achieve the purpose of advertising with the heterogeneity of visual communication.
5. Fixedness and complexity
No matter what form of outdoor light box advertising is used, it has its requirements for a certain range and fixed position. As a semi-permanent display device, its basic structure is more complicated than other advertising forms. Including frame, covering material, pattern printing layer, windproof, rain and snowproof structure, and lighting facilities for lighting at night, making its single copy cost higher than other types of advertisements.