Learn about signage and LED injection moulding modules and their relationship

Time:2017/06/20    Article Release:本站

Signage is the most direct transmission and expression of corporate image. The corporate identity design is usually rich in color, striving to be eye-catching and highlighting the personality, so the logo has high requirements on the materials involved in the production, especially the lighting products. Uniform lighting and continuity are the most basic requirements for sign lighting. Among many light sources, LED injection molding modules have become the best choice for sign lighting. In front of a group of particularly well-lit buildings, a beautiful, fashionable and innovative signage can often play the role of icing on the cake. It is a signage that integrates various functions such as decoration, guidance, and advertising. Become an important part of outdoor advertising, the main work lies in LED injection molding module.

Identification signs are classified by form:

1. Horizontal: The entire proportion is relatively long horizontally. Generally, the entire surface is used as a signage. Generally, it can be seen on the walls of small shops and large buildings.

2. Vertical: the whole proportion is relatively long vertically. Generally, the entire surface is used as a signage.

3. Protruding shape: Protruding on the wall of the building, except for the back side, or when there are two sides of the wall, both sides are used as the signage of the advertising carrier. For example, flip a sign on three sides.

4. Ground column: horizontal, vertical and three-dimensional signs marked on some fixed structures on the ground.

5. Roof type: It refers to the set of fixed structures on the roof of a building, and the plate-shaped live cube or magic signage hanging or pasting on it.

Signs are classified by material:

1. Smooth signage: The picture or board surface is oily and very smooth.

2. Luminous material identification signs: use luminous material signs (the light source adopts LED injection molding module).

3. Acrylic signage: Use acrylic material as the main material of the board. Like "McDonald's Acrylic Sign"!

4. Metal identification signs: In the absence of a special designation of the board surface, metal is used as the main material of the board surface or text of the sign, and metal is used as the main carrier of the logo.

5. Electro-optic board identification signs: use LED injection molding module or luminous tube to achieve single color or color performance. In terms of light-emitting diodes and expressions, they can be divided into five categories: luminous panels, LCD, LED, CRT, and FDT.

The signs are classified according to the purpose of use:

Times vary:

A. Lighting: For day and night use, install LED injection molding module inside the signage a> Or install the projector inside and install the lighting outside the signage and so on.

B. No lighting: There is no separate purpose for day and night use, and no lighting facilities.

Different locations:

A. Indoor: located indoors, such as direction arrows, indoor reception, etc.

B. Outdoor: located in all spaces that are not indoors.

The purpose is different:

A. Commercial: generally refers to the establishment for commercial purposes.

B. Public: It is located in a public place to announce news to the public or to announce certain information.

In terms of traffic signs: the number of cars in the city is increasing by hundreds every day, and road resources are becoming less and less. For the reasonable layout of traffic signs, increasing traffic monitoring, one-way lanes and time-slot restrictions, signs are needed to remind people Notice. The connection and conversion between various transportation facilities are absolutely indispensable, and it is more important at night. The light source LED injection molding module is indispensable.

Location setting rules, regional sign setting rules, tourism sign setting rules, color design rules, modeling design rules, service agency selection principles, sign system design and improvement of periodic sign system supervision mechanism A comprehensive analysis of many factors such as style, city personnel status, road status, citizen quality, regional status, number of tourists, etc., determines the overall planning of the city identification system, and then conducts regional subdivisions.

Special emphasis should be placed on the layout-reasonable: evenly distributed; primary and secondary clear and smooth: clear distinctions; smooth and comprehensive step by step: comprehensive and comprehensive.

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